#148 – Rob Black – CEO – Fractional CISO
Rob shares his experience with mid market SAS companies. His journey in starting his company, Fractional CISO. Rob shares the differentiation between being a cyber professional and being a cyber expert. There is a lot of opportunity to teach. Professionals to experts, and novices to literate. He elaborates how things can be a top concern, but still not do anything about it. He shares how you can switch focus to get action over intent. Rob shares a strategy to help get cyber professionals to be able to convince senior professionals and leadership to go from intent, to action to address threats. Don’t be text heavy and have your point get lost. Be clear, direct, and use graphics to get your point across to non technical people to effectively communicate.
Connect with Rob: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blackrob/
Visit Fractional CISO: https://fractionalciso.com/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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