#160 – Dr Aaron Miller – Director of the Cyber Bytes Academy
Dr Miller speaks to us about all things Cyber Bytes Academy and Cyber Bytes Foundation, as well as what they can offer. He speaks to the importance on building connections and networking. Dr Miller talks about all the work they are doing with outreach to get youth interested in being the next generation of cyber security heroes. Jeff and Aaron discuss the ever changing field. There are always new techniques to learn to address new threats, for the field is constantly evolving. Certifications are constantly updating their criteria. Cyber Bytes has partnered with companies in cyber and IT for to make sure they can offer the best courses and information to their students.
Connect with Dr Miller: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-aaron-j-miller-777bb51b/
Visit Cyber Bytes Foundation: https://cyberbytesfoundation.org/
Visit the Cyber Bytes Academy: https://cyberbytesfoundation.org/cyber-bytes-academy/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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