#166 – Phillip Hankel – SOC Analyst – Ideal Integrations/Blue Bastion
Phillip discusses why STEM education is leaving us vulnerable. How art and creativity are as important as technical skills when it comes to constructing our cyber defenses, and how the future of cybersecurity must become STEAM powered. He shares how cybersecurity should go from a “top concern” to a top priority, including action plans. Also don’t beat yourself down. You don’t have to grow every second and all at once. Understand it is a journey, so don’t get discouraged during the process.
Connect with Phillip: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philliphankel/
Visit Ideal Integrations: https://www.idealintegrations.net/
Visit Phillips Portfolio: https://github.com/Hankins44
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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