#198 – David Bittner – Producer and Host – The CyberWire
David Bittner shares the story of The CyberWire with us. A more informed community is a safer community. It grew from just reading the CyberWire newsletter to interviews and becoming one of the most popular cybersecurity podcasts out there. They have come a long way from the 5 person shop they started with. Podcasting is truly unique and revolutionizing the way people obtain their information. People can grow by listening during mundane tasks like brushing teeth, driving, or even in the shower. They can make their time more valuable by consuming podcasts during these times. They talk about growing their viewer base through expanding their content base and obtaining funding for that growth. He points out an important distinction, that it is their job to make the audience smarter, not to point out to the audience how smart THEY are.
Connect with David: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-bittner-27231a4/
Visit The CyberWire: https://www.thecyberwire.com/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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