#206 – Gareth Harte – Founder and CEO/CTO – Telios
Gareth talks to us about Telios, decentralized internet, and encrypted email. He talks about the innovation from Web 2.0 and moving from centralized data centers to spread out the attack vectors. The tech may be early but it is the future. Decentralizing the information makes it more secure. Be responsible for your information vs putting it in the hands of someone else. Gareth really wants to drive home the point of data ownership and data sovereignty. Today is much different than the “wild west” of the internet in the 90’s. Today it seems like everyone is storing your data, and we don’t own anything online anymore unless it is stored on an external hard drive. Gareth thinks in the next 5 years there will be a large shift in the way we store data as this technology matures.
Connect with Gareth: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gareth-harte/
Visit Telios: https://www.telios.io/#/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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