#216 – Sandra Stibbards – Owner – Camelot Investigations

Sandra talks to us about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Training. He talks about her experiences over her 30 year career. Open Source Intelligence is a tool she uses in financial fraud investigations. She will be speaking and training on this at Pacific Hackers Conference on November 18-19th, 2022. She brings the human aspect to the cyber side of investigations. She works with law firms, state and federal, as well as large corporations. The information is very sensitive and is very niche. Also includes mergers and acquisitions. When it comes to OSINT in cyber she really wants people to see and work on the human side. She shares things that you can do to protect yourself. These include not leaving a digital footprint, use secure browsers, using a VPN, use a virtual machine, use end to end encrypted emails, among others. OSINT comes in with a focus on security and privacy. Making sure the human side is not inviting an intrusion into you system and life.


Connect with Sandra: https://www.linkedin.com/in/camelotinvestigations/

Visit Camelot Investigations: https://camelotinvestigations.com/

Come see her talk at PHACK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pacific-hackers-conference-2022-tickets-405976686197


Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/ 


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