#228 – Phillip Wylie – Hacker in Residence – CyCognito
Phillip tells about his journey, and what a Hacker in Residence is. He elaborates on offensive security. He talks to us about being an ethical hacker in the cybersecurity space. The challenge of keeping up with ever evolving technology is always exciting. He elaborates on the adventure of pentesting and getting into places you really shouldn’t be. He speaks to the aspiring pentesters and how they could get into the industry, and how to stay up to date with the evolving technology. Phillip talks about how great the community can be at sharing information, if you know where to look and who to follow. Work together to defend. Crowd source, Crowdsec, whatever it takes. We are stronger together. Keep an open mind and always be willing to listen to others.
Connect with Phillip: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phillipwylie/
Visit CyCognito: https://www.cycognito.com
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