#272 | Mike Saylor | CEO | Blackswan Cybersecurity, LLC
We are happy to have Mike back on the podcast. He talks with us about all things cyber. We shares his background getting into technology and cybersecurity, including his entrepreneurial spirit starting 6 different companies. Mike shares his passion for education which sparked him to start the Cyber Defense Center. It is a great journey building your own culture and using servant leadership to inspire others. Mike talks about how cyber is not just an IT problem. It covers everything a business does including the people, vendors, and having an understanding of being able to utilize technology to protect yourself and do business more effectively. Mike shares insights on people who want to get into cyber including some actionable items you get you started on your journey.
Connect with Mike: https://www.linkedin.com/in/misaylor/
Visit Blackswan Cybersecurity, LLC: https://blackswan-cybersecurity.com/
Visit Shortarms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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