CPP 294 | Jim West | Founder & Creator | TopCyberPro.com
It is great to have Jim back on the podcast. He is telling us all about what he has been up to. He talks to us about the skills gap and how the company he started helps with that. He talks to us about all sorts of topics, including frameworks, training and certifications to help your career take off. Of course we touch on the 9 Core Principles he is know for writing. AI is something we should not be worried or scared about. Learn about it, and how it can make life better. Jim shares a real life cyber store that talks about wellness and cyber psychology as the next wave.
The Nine Security Principles: https://jimwestauthor.com/beyond-the-cia-triad/
Connect with Jim: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimwest1/
Visit Topcyberpro: https://topcyberpro.com/
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