CPP 313 | Damjan Cvetanovic | CEO & Co-Founder | Intell Informed
Today we are sharing some international flavor with Damjan Cvetanovic . He shares insights about cybersecurity and his journey in the field. Damjan discusses his background in ethical hacking and penetration testing, highlighting the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in cybersecurity roles. He emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to cybersecurity, addressing both technical and non-technical aspects such as security management and compliance. Additionally, Damjan talks about his role as CEO and co-founder of Intel Informed, a cybersecurity company focused on identifying vulnerabilities and providing solutions tailored to clients’ needs. Finally, he touches on the global landscape of cybersecurity, noting differences in approaches between regions like the EU and the US, with a focus on innovation in the US and emphasis on privacy in Europe, particularly with GDPR regulations.
Connect with Damjan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/damjan-cvetanovic-298538195/
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