CPP Special Presentation | Greg Lincoln | Corvid Cyberdefense | Director of Strategic Engineering
All this week we will be visiting with our friends over at Corvid Cyberdefense. Today we are talking with their Director of Strategic Engineering Greg Lincoln. He shares a lot of knowledge with us about the benefits of MSSP’s and how they help protect networks threat surface. It is a huge benefit to having a team of professionals at your fingertips. An MSSP is a partner that is in it with you for the long haul. Even with people switching to the Cloud and SASA, Greg discusses why network security is still an integral part of a good cybersecurity posture. He shares examples customers are facing and how a good MSSP can help with those cyber incidents, how to be more mobile, and compliant.
Connect with Greg: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregoj/
Visit Corvid Cyberdefense: https://www.corvidcyberdefense.com/
Visit Shortarms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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