The Cyber Pro Podcast Episode 140 – Erik L Moore, PhD – Exec. Director – Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Erik shares his unique background and how it facilitates a successful path in cyber security. Diverse educational backgrounds are a bridge over boundaries and aid in learning to adapt or being adaptable. Cyber Security is at the forefront of adapting to the new world, a reforming society, and all fields and disciplines. Cyber Security is a privilege. We are helping sustain society through rapid changes into the future.
Connect with Erik: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-moore-phd-6348a211/
Check out Erik’s ResearchGate page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Erik-Moore
Visit Adams 12 Five Star Schools: https://www.adams12.org/
Check out Erik’s book Visual Philosophy Language VPL1.0: https://www.amazon.com/Visual-Philosophy-Language-Metaphysics-Metadata/dp/0976652218
Center for a Reasoning Society: https://www.centerforareasoningsociety.org/
Making a cell phone into a tricorder: https://sites.google.com/site/instrumentededucation/
The Journal of The Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education: https://cisse.info/journal/index.php/cisse
Working Group 11.8 on Cybersecurity Education for the International Federation of Information Processing, and the WISE conference on World Information Security Education: https://www.ifiptc11.org/wg118
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