The Cyber Pro Podcast Episode 162 – Marco Palacios – VP & Co-Founder – Pacific Hackers Association
Marco discusses the Pacific Hackers Association. He talks to us about how being in this industry helps make the world a better place by protecting people from cyber threats. Cyber security is a top concern because we are connecting on systems that were not created with security in mind. People are taking advantage of those systems and cyber professionals are working on making policies and procedures fix that. We need to focus on people, technology, and policies/principals. A return to basics and fundamentals is a good way, from the top down, to make things easier and us more successful at protecting people from cyber threats. Make sure to watch to the end to hear why Marco says the Back to the Future franchise are the best movies ever made.
Connect with Marco: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcopalacios/
Visit Pacific Hackers Association: https://www.pacifichackers.org/
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