The Cyber Pro Podcast Episode 192 – Mike Saylor – CEO – Blackswan Cybersecurity, LLC
Mike talks to us about all things cyber and IT. We get into how being on both strata of being a learner as well as a teacher at the same time. It is important to continue your journey and continue to learn as you teach the next generation on what you have learned on your journey. Mike talks about how best to improve the collaboration in the cyber community. This will help improve curriculum and help people better define their career goals and focus as they get into cyber. It is hard sometimes with human nature leading us to the path of least resistance. Exposure and life experience are great teachers, no matter how irrelevant they may seem. It is also important to look back as far as trends and what was successful to help predict the future of bad actors and cyber threats.
Connect with Mike: https://www.linkedin.com/in/misaylor/
Visit Blackswan: https://blackswan-cybersecurity.com/
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