#176 – Ron Sharon – VP of Information Security – Mercer Advisors
Ron discusses how chunking information and cyber security education into smaller bits makes it easier for people to learn and implement into their working lives. Normal users aren’t going to read a 350+ page document to make sure they are up to date on the latest and greatest policies and procedures. If you can break it up info more digestible segments, you have a much better chance of getting them to implement them. Always add the WHY is a GREAT way to get people to buy in! Senior leadership is getting more involved in cyber security. If done right they can be partners in the fight, not only against threat actors, but making the company successful. He finishes on always keeping up to date helps you stay on top of things. Watching the news and headlines and think about how that will affect you and you can be proactive in using that information to protect against threats. Ron believes we can solve the cyber security skill gap using the 70% method, and hire the person that has 70% of the qualifications you are looking for and train them for the rest.
Connect with Ron: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ron-sharon/
Visit Mercer Advisors: https://www.merceradvisors.com/
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